Anyone who suffers from chronic migraines knows how much of a hindrance they can be to everyday life, both in their personal and professional lives. Migraines create a real barrier and everything seems more difficult because you are in constant pain. On average , one in seven people suffer from migraines. If you are one of them and have tried many things but are still struggling, there is hope for you.

Chances are, like so many other migraine sufferers, your doctor has prescribed Aimovig for you. And like many others, you may be wondering how to properly store Aimovig, especially when it comes to refrigeration and the big question: How long can Aimovig be stored without a refrigerator without losing its effectiveness?

medication cooler bag mini, 4AllFamily Germany

What is Aimovig?

Let's start with the basics : What is Aimovig ? It is the trade name of a drug for preventing migraines that contains the active ingredient erenumab . Erenumab belongs to a relatively new class of drugs called CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) inhibitors . The CGRP protein is significantly involved in migraine attacks. Aimovig is approved by the EMA (European Medicines Agency) and can be used for both episodic and chronic migraines .

Usually sold in pre-made auto-injectors or syringes that are self-administered once a month, it is a subcutaneous injection given either in the abdomen, thigh or upper arm in doses of 70 mg or 140 mg, depending on the patient.

40-50% of patients with episodic headaches and people with chronic migraine experienced a reduction in migraine attacks and headache days by half after using Aimovig for six months.

Aimovig Injection: Preventive Treatment for Migraines

The drug Aimovig is mainly prescribed as a preventive measure against migraines. However, side effects can occur. According to the official prescribing information, people aged 18 to 60 years may experience side effects in at least 3% of cases. These include:

  • Constipation, which may be severe and may require hospitalization or surgery, particularly in patients receiving 140 mg of Aimovig.
  • Reactions at the injection site , such as redness, swelling or local pain.
  • Allergies, cramps or muscle spasms . There have also been reports of high blood pressure within seven days of injection. Patients with existing or potential hypertension may experience worsening of these conditions.
  • Flu-like symptoms or back pain.

To avoid unnecessary risks, pregnant women or people with hypersensitivity to the active ingredient erenumab should not take Aimovig. It is also recommended that elderly people over 65 take lower doses , as the drug can increase the risk of liver, kidney or heart problems.

There are other very similar drugs for preventing migraines that are also approved by the EMA. Ajovy , Vyepti and Emgality are the best known and also belong to the group of CGRP inhibitors . Emgality contains galcanezumab , just like erenumab it is a monoclonal antibody that blocks the activity of the CGRP protein. Emgality is also prescribed in a pre-prepared syringe or pen for subcutaneous injection. It is an excellent alternative for people who cannot take other migraine medications due to side effects or interactions with other medications .

Aimovig Auto-Injection

The auto-injector contains the dose in a spring-loaded syringe and can be administered subcutaneously by you or a caregiver . For most people, this is easier than the disposable syringes because it reduces the stress of administration.

First, you should stretch the skin at least two inches, sterilize the area with an alcohol swab , and place the auto-injector at a 90-degree angle. Press the auto-injector firmly onto the skin and press the button when you are ready to start the injection. The process may take up to 15 seconds . After removing the auto-injector, the needle will be automatically covered. It is recommended to give the injection on the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm .

To make the injection more comfortable and avoid unnecessary pain, you should allow the auto-injector to reach room temperature about 30 minutes before use . It can also be very helpful to place an ice pack on the injection site a few minutes before use . You should definitely not choose a site that is injured, red or rough, and change the injection site every month. Aimovig can also be injected into the buttocks area, where it usually hurts even less.

How long can Aimovig be stored outside the refrigerator?

Aimovig, like other drugs of this kind, is a prescription drug , so you should have been informed by your doctor about the specific storage instructions . It is essential to store it in the refrigerator , as it is a very temperature-sensitive drug. But let's take a look at what happens if Aimovig is not refrigerated properly.

Storage recommendations for Aimovig

Aimovig should be stored in the refrigerator at temperatures between 2°C - 8°C . Once it has been taken out of the refrigerator and the cold chain is broken, it must not be put back .

After removing from the refrigerator, Aimovig can be stored for up to 7 days at a temperature of approximately 20°C - 25°C . It should be injected within this time. Make sure that you leave the auto-injector in its original packaging and that it is protected from direct heat and direct light . Freezing also destroys the medication and reduces the effectiveness of Aimovig.

Aimovig not cooled: what exactly happens?

As mentioned above, Aimovig can only be stored outside the refrigerator for seven days. After that, it loses its effectiveness and should not be used under any circumstances. As with all medications, it is very important to know and adhere to the exact storage conditions .

Storage can be a little more difficult when you are on the go , but it is still essential. If you see that the injection is discolored, cloudy, or contains flakes and particles, this could be a sign that the medication has gone bad . In such a case, it should be disposed of immediately in special containers.

The best way to keep your auto-injector cool and safe while on the go is to use a medical medication cooler bag . Depending on the cooler, Aimovig can be kept as cool and safe as if it were in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours without electricity . This way, you don't have to worry about your medication while on the go.

cooling bag for syringes, 4AllFamily Germany

Aimovig costs per month

The price of Aimovig in Germany varies depending on the dosage and pharmacy. A common dose of 70 mg or 140 mg given monthly usually costs around 500 to 700 euros per month . However, the exact cost can vary depending on health insurance, so patients usually do not have to pay the full amount themselves.

Aimovig: When does it take effect?

It usually takes up to two to three months to notice a significant improvement in headaches. Studies show that 49% of patients taking 70 mg of Aimovig per month experience an improvement. Of those taking 140 mg, up to 70% may experience significant relief.

October 28, 2024

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