Living and Traveling with EpiPens and Allergy Injections

Discover expert advice and practical tips for managing everyday life and travel with allergy medication. Learn how toInjections such as epinephrine, EpiPen, Auvi-Qand more. Find out how to use auto-injectors correctly and make sure you're prepared for allergic reactions wherever you go!

epipen ausversehen gespritzt

EpiPen Anwendung: Was passiert, wenn du versehentlich oder freiwillig einen EpiPen benutzt, ohne ihn zu brauchen?

Wenn du einen EpiPen ohne medizinische Notwendigkeit anwendest, können Nebenwirkungen wie ein schneller Herzschlag, Schwindel und Angstgefühle auftreten. Für gesunde Personen sind diese Symptome in der Regel nicht lebensgefährlich, aber bei Menschen mit Herzproblemen kann die unnötige Anwendung riskant sein.

February 27, 2025
Khültaschen fur Epipen, 4allfamily

How to Choose the Best EpiPen Carrying Case that Suits Your Lifestyle!

Discover the best EpiPen cases to protect your epinephrine injections. Find the perfect case for safety, comfort, and quick access to ensure your EpiPen is protected and ready for use. Explore insulated bags and hard-shell designs for everyday and travel.
October 23, 2024
Reisen mit Epipen Tipps

Safety Tips for Traveling and Flying with EpiPens: All You Need to Know Before Departure!

Your EpiPen should always be within reach and in good condition. Here you'll find everything you need to know about traveling with your EpiPen: pre-departure checklist, tips for cooling, crossing borders, taking the plane, handling emergencies, and more.
October 23, 2024
EpiPen Lagerung: Tipps für sichere Aufbewahrung

EpiPen: how important is it really to keep the EpiPen cool?

Whether EpiPen 0.3 mg or EpiPen Jr 0.15 mg – store your EpiPens between 15 °C and 25 °C. Temporary fluctuations up to 30 °C are possible, but limit these. Learn how to store your EpiPens safely!
October 23, 2024